Elizabeth Mehlbrech

Elizabeth graduated Cum Laude with Bachelor of Science in Business Finance from the University of South Dakota. She is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach.
Elizabeth’s sobriety journey began March 14th, 2016. In her first bodybuilding competition, in 2021, she won the “Transformation Award” and placed 2nd. Less than a year later, she competed at World’s and won her WNBF Natural Pro Bikini card. Recently, she was awarded “Miss Congeniality” and “People’s Choice” at USOA Miss Washington.
As a grateful member of Soroptimist Int’l of Marysville, she EMPOWERs women through scholarship fundraising and economic empowerment programs. As owner of Limitless Life Coaching & Training, she INSPIREs others through her professional coaching that mental and physical transformation is achievable with balanced eating, physical activity, and prioritizing mental wellness. With her platform “Wellness Supports Recovery”, she’s passionate about publicly sharing her message of recovery to break through the shame barrier and give hope to all that freedom and wellness is available. By modeling sobriety as a sponsor and friend, she UPLIFTs everyone around her. She believes we are all limitless, and by doing what we love, we awaken the hearts of others to believe that it’s possible for them, too!